Client Situation: The client asked Lanterna to help prepare a high potential leader for executive level promotion.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna’s coach worked with the high potential leader to develop a professional development plan which included a 360-degree feedback tool and an individualized plan for building upon strengths and increasing executive level thinking skills.
- The coach assisted the leader in evaluation, selection and application to a premier executive education program for which the leader was accepted and subsequently completed.
- The leader was promoted shortly after completing his professional development plan and has continued to achieve success in his career.
Client Situation: The client wanted to tap into the wisdom of a long-term valued employee who was retiring to develop a meaningful legacy and transition plan for the six-month period leading up to their retirement.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna worked with the respected field leader to develop an intentional legacy plan for their final six months on the job before retirement.
- The plan was specifically designed to tap into the leader’s passions in an area that was beneficial to the organization and where he had unique knowledge and experience.
Client Situation: The client, valued by the organization for her technical expertise, was advised by her manager and Human Resources Professional to secure a job coach to assist her in strengthening her leadership and communication skills.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna’s coach used a four-phase process to assist the client to better understand her leadership strengths and challenges and to develop and implement a practical action plan for change.
- The results of the strength-based coaching included improved relationships with her manager and direct reports, the articulation of her leadership philosophy, and greater clarity regarding her long-term career goals and objectives.