Client Situation: Impacted by sweeping federal policy and regulatory changes, the client wanted to assess and redesign its policy approach and structure.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna designed and facilitated a complete assessment of an agency’s policy team which had been significantly impacted by major federal policy and regulatory changes.
- The consultant used an inclusive process to identify existing best practices, address critical gaps, and develop a new two-team structure and approach for improved process and outcomes, thereby meeting both developmental and compliance objectives.
Client Situation: Ten years after working with a state agency to integrate two successful divisions into a new division, new leadership wanted to assess and prioritize remaining implementation work to capture the benefits of the integration more fully.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna was re-engaged to assess remaining implementation work related to the original integration.
- The consultant team worked with the executive team and a staff focus group to identify three major, interrelated workstreams with specific work deliverables resulting in improved organizational alignment of structure, staff, and resources to support the vision and mission.
- Lanterna assisted the client with ongoing communication strategy and change management. Following an intensive planning effort, consultant was retained by client for monthly meetings to support ongoing implementation and momentum.
Client Situation: The client hired Lanterna to conduct a comprehensive assessment and redesign of a key service delivery process.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna designed and facilitated a process redesign team composed of both staff and service partners impacted by the process. The consultant worked with the client to establish baseline key process definitions, milestones, roles, and performance measures.
- The consultant guided the redesign team in developing a ‘national model’ vision to focus continuous improvement efforts. Redesign team process recommendations were approved for pilot design and testing. Lanterna developed supporting training documentation and pilot materials.
- Lanterna was re-engaged by client 18 months later to design and conduct four meetings around the state with pilot participants. Meetings were conducted to review pilot data and survey results, facilitate participant observations and ideas, and develop recommendations from each pilot location to inform planning for state-wide launch and continuous improvement.
Client Situation: The client sought expertise and help in assessing and enhancing their program evaluation and quality assurance for a federally regulated and funded program.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna designed and delivered a series of strategic discussions with the leadership team, interviews with data unit staff, and research on applicable models and frameworks to support the division’s program evaluation and quality assurance goals.
Client Situation: The client hired Lanterna to conduct a comprehensive review of the federal fiscal compliance process for their state program.
Lanterna Results:
- Lanterna worked closely with the field director and a redesign team composed of representatives of key roles involved in the process.
- The consultant guided the team in creating a new, clear vision for improving the working relationships critical to fiscal compliance and created a structure of small work groups from the full team to develop recommendations for top improvement strategies.
- The redesigned process changed from an intensive, comprehensive fiscal review of all standards once every 18 months to a streamlined and more effective process that reviews standards in subsets over the course of a year.
- The greatest benefits of the redesigned approach are more timely review and feedback, a cultural shift from a punitive to developmental experience, improved learning support for improved application of fiscal knowledge, and increased fiscal compliance.